import requests
import json
"lte": "less_or_equal",
"lt": "less",
"gte": "greater_or_equal",
"gt": "greater",
"within": "range",
"in": "in",
"ligand_name": "rcsb_nonpolymer_instance_feature_summary.comp_id",
"ligand_distance": "rcsb_ligand_neighbors.distance",
"released": "rcsb_accession_info.initial_release_date",
"deposited": "rcsb_accession_info.deposit_date",
"code": "rcsb_entry_container_identifiers.entry_id",
"atoms": "rcsb_entry_info.deposited_atom_count",
"resolution": "rcsb_entry_info.resolution_combined"
[docs]def search(start=0, limit=10, sort=None, **kwargs):
"""Searches for PDB codes. You can choose how many to get and from what
starting point.
Sort terms can either be formal RCSB attributes, or a shorthand such as
'resolution' or 'code'. If you supply a list of terms, these will be
applied in turn.
:param int start: the start index (default 0).
:param int limit: how many codes to return (default 10).
:param sort: the sort term, or list of sort terms.
:rtype: ``list``"""
query = {}
query["return_type"] = "entry"
apply_pagination(query, start, limit)
apply_sort(query, sort)
apply_query(query, kwargs)
result = send_request(query)
if result: return [r["identifier"] for r in result["result_set"]]
[docs]def apply_sort(query, sort):
"""Applies sort terms to a query's ``request_options``.
:param dict query: the RCSB query object.
:param sort: the sort term(s)."""
if not sort: return
if isinstance(sort, str): sort = [sort]
query["request_options"]["sort"] = [sort_term_to_sort_dict(s) for s in sort]
[docs]def sort_term_to_sort_dict(term):
"""Converts a single string to a RCSB sort modifier. If a '-' is on the
front of the string, the search will be made ascending - otherwise it is
The string should be one of the terms given at
`<>`_, or one of a few
shorthands (see code).
:param str term: the sort term.
:rtype: ``dict``"""
direction = "desc"
if term[0] == "-":
direction = "asc"
term = term[1:]
return {"sort_by": QUERY_SHORTHAND.get(term, term), "direction": direction}
[docs]def apply_query(query, kwargs):
"""Adds the query component to the overall query object. It uses whatever
leftover keyword arguments are passed to the search function and uses these
in a chain of AND queries.
:param dict query: the RCSB query object.
:param dict kwargs: the keyword arguments passed to the search function."""
query["query"] = {"type": "group", "logical_operator": "and", "nodes": []}
for kwarg, value in kwargs.items():
parameters = get_query_parameters(kwarg, value)
if parameters:
"type": "terminal", "service": "text", "parameters": parameters
if not query["query"]["nodes"]:
query["query"] = {"type": "terminal", "service": "text"}
[docs]def get_query_parameters(property, value):
"""Takes a key-value pair passed to the search function and turns it into a
parameters dictionary representing that search criterion.
:param str property: the keyword name.
:param value: the search value.
:rtype: ``dict``"""
attribute = get_query_attribute(property)
operator = get_query_operator(property, value)
if operator == "range": value = {"from": value[0], "to": value[1]}
return {"attribute": attribute, "operator": operator, "value": value}
[docs]def get_query_attribute(kwarg):
"""Takes a proposed query property and modifies it as needed based on
suffixes or shorthand.
:param str kwarg: the keyword argument passed to the search function.
:rtype: ``str``"""
attribute = kwarg
for suffix in SUFFIXES:
attribute = attribute.replace(f"__{suffix}", "")
attribute = attribute.replace("__", ".")
if attribute in QUERY_SHORTHAND: attribute = QUERY_SHORTHAND[attribute]
return attribute
[docs]def get_query_operator(kwarg, value):
"""Takes a key-value pair passed to the search function and works out what
operator should be used (equals, less than, within etc.).
:param str kwarg: the keyword argument passed to the search function.
:param value: the search value.
:rtype: ``str``"""
operator = "exact_match"
if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
operator = "equals"
for suffix in SUFFIXES:
if kwarg.endswith(f"__{suffix}"):
operator = SUFFIXES[suffix]
return operator
[docs]def send_request(query):
"""Sends a query dictionary to the RCSB search API. If a valid response is
received, this will be returned in JSON format. Otherwise ``None`` will be
:param dict query: the query, formatted to RCSB specifications.
:rtype: ``dict``"""
response = requests.get(SEARCH_URL + json.dumps(query))
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()